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Tuesday, 24 March 2009

LDP Route - cycling to avoid traffic jam

I started driving to work at 0836 hrs and found the cars jammed just as I came into the next junction. Cars were busy trying to overtake each other, crossing the double line and adding another lane to the road going out of SS25, Petaling Jaya. There were also 3 other entry points into the same road further up. I took a detour and went back home to exchange gears for cycling. Within 10 minutes I was back out on the same road taking the sides of the road (not the pavement as you might just fall off the bridge in case a motorbike takes the pavement with you) swerving pass all the traffic onto the LDP. I passed by the St Ignatious Church (see Google Map) after avoiding the cars trying to jump queue exiting toward Sunway Mas / Tropicana. Then came a slight hill all the way to the Exit 1108 (Tmn Megah (left) / Tmn Bahagia (right) exits). I took the right turn towards Tmn Bahagia at the traffic light, went straight at the next traffic light and then took a U-turn back towards my office. It took me another minute to swerve through all the traffic and arrived safely. THe whole non-scenic ride took me less than 10 minutes!


61ur80y said...

Do you still cycle to work?

I thinking of cycling to work..

Dr Aston Ngai Seng Huey said...

I do it whenever I feel like riding back home or to work! But you need to be careful of the traffic. Pick smaller and less busy routes.


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