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Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Polar CS600 for Cyclists

My latest ride yesterday recorded a distance of 21km, average speed of 18.2km/h, average HR of 144bpm, 87.1% within target zone, burnt 971 kcal and a duration of 1:09:16. It was fairly warm weather at 33 degrees Centigrade. I shall need to plan my rides and my rest more closely as I will be quite busy during the weekend. The Polar CS600 comes in handy to help reorganise my training.

Here are some photos of the cycling computer system which would give you Heart Rate (HR), % Heart Rate Max (HRM), Cadence, Speed, Distance, Exercise Zones, Calories, Heart Rate Variability and Fitness Testing. Just takes some time to read the manual and utilise each item. I am getting some help from the Polar distributor to commission the device. The graphs are really impressive. I like the fact that it warns me if I'm overdoing it with a beeping sound and tells me speed in min/km and km/h.

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Progress in Cadence and Endurance

I am still riding 20km five times a week except that it seems slightly heavier on both knees with the Mountain bike tyres instead of road tyres. I will probably improve on my spin at 90-100 rpm with various gear ratios to build on my endurance while picking up speed steadily. The CS600 Polar Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) has been a useful tool providing me vital Heart Rate (HR), Cadence, Speed, Distance and Time information. I have just got the device working after my bike technician Yong fixed the cadence and speed sensors. I just followed the instructions on the product manual and it worked fine.

I realised that I am probably dehydrated during the ride resulting in a higher HR and decreasing preformance after riding for 15km during each session. I shall download the data from the CS600 to have a look at the data before progressing to harder work-loads.

There is talk of doing a double session to mimic travel to work (20km one way). I think that would have to wait as I may need to improve my fitness to ensure that I am fit enough for extra training.

Monday, 21 July 2008

Port Dickson International Triathlon 19-20th July 2008

I had the opportunity of joining in the celebration of strength, determination and perseverance during the Port Dickson International Triathlon on the 20th July 2008. Although I didn't join as a participant, I had a good look at the exciting and gruelling event. 1.5km swim, 40 km cycling and 10km run doesn't sound like everybody's cup of tea but there were hundreds of participants from teenagers to 70 year olds. Men and women participated in the same event and starting in stages to ensure that everyone gets to swim without too much difficulty despite the struggle to maintain their paths.

I was told that the more experienced triathletes pushed the bikes and jumped on to cleat their shoes. Most of the participants only wear the shoes once they are well onto the road race. Both road and mountain bikes with different types of handlebars were seen, ranging from affordable bikes to specially designed bikes.

Some of the triathletes skidded off sand and pools of water on the roads while a minority had cramps from unaccustomed hard riding. Those who came with months of training did not suffer too much except for mild sunburn and dehydration.

You can view more photos from my other blog here.

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

GPS Device for you: GARMIN Edge 605

I've just seen this GPS receiver suitable for planning your cycling routes while you cycle to work. The GARMIN Edge 605 is available at the outlets of Premier GPS and retailing at RM1900. It is the size of a cellular phone and has a micro SD card which is suitable for uploading maps. You can read more about the specifications and reviews. For those of you who can loves technology and have the extra cash to spare, it may be something you may want to try.

Friday, 11 July 2008

4th Training Session

I did the fourth training session only riding flat-terrain for 20 laps of 1km with very little traffic making a total of 20km. It took me 1 hour and 15 minutes since I had to stop at the Mamak joint to get a glass of 'Limau Ais' and another glass of 'Ais kosong' while I stretched off the calf muscle cramp. I didn't manage to get the bottle holder for the bicycle and survived on 2 glasses of water just before cycling (Don't ask me how I can do that! Just watch my belly!).

Somehow the neighbourhood knows that I am here to cycle daily. So most drivers have started to slow down when they see me coming. A few did try drive me off the road as they would do to a motorbike.

I seem to be catching my breath with less effort and able to push an average of 22 km/h except for the U-turns. I had to learn how to stand on the pedals to relieve the perineal pressure (sore buttocks!) and give my calf muscles a stretch. Cycling has become more interesting day by day.

Some more photos of my calf stretches and my bike.

Sunday, 6 July 2008

First Road Cycling Training session

I had my first training session on Saturday evening lasting for 40 minutes and found that it was difficult maintaining 22 km/h even on a flat terrain. I was just getting used to the 8-speed Shimano gears as it had been probably 20 yrs since I've last rode on a bike. My heart rate after the session was 110 bpm even after 5 minutes of rest and at 10 minutes, it was 90 bpm. It was a difficult ride charting a 17-18 on the Borg's Exertional Scale.

I need the Polar Heart Rate Monitor the next time I cycle. It will probably take another 4 - 6 weeks before I get fit enough for cycling to work.

Friday, 4 July 2008

Modified Mountain Bike for Commuting

I quickly got down to a neighbourhood cycling shop in Sungai Way (Fook Sang Bicycle Shop) and found myself an affordable entry level Jamis mountain bike, the 2008 Durango 1 and got it modified to be suitable for commuting approximately 20km (one way) once I have the skills and stamina. The mechanic exchanged the mountain bike tyres with road tyres and adjusted the ,saddle height to suit my size. He provided a bicycle lock, an Iron-Mag helmet, front lights, brake lights and cat-eye to make the ride safer.

It would be another 2 weeks before I would try cycling to work. Meanwhile, I will have to train my stamina in the SS2 and Taman Tun Dr Ismail / Bukit Kiara surrounding daily.I have started a Cycling Professionals Google Group to trace a suitable route to take from SS2 to USJ 9. Meanwhile, I am looking forward for more input from our specialist coaches and cyclists.


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