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Friday, 11 July 2008

4th Training Session

I did the fourth training session only riding flat-terrain for 20 laps of 1km with very little traffic making a total of 20km. It took me 1 hour and 15 minutes since I had to stop at the Mamak joint to get a glass of 'Limau Ais' and another glass of 'Ais kosong' while I stretched off the calf muscle cramp. I didn't manage to get the bottle holder for the bicycle and survived on 2 glasses of water just before cycling (Don't ask me how I can do that! Just watch my belly!).

Somehow the neighbourhood knows that I am here to cycle daily. So most drivers have started to slow down when they see me coming. A few did try drive me off the road as they would do to a motorbike.

I seem to be catching my breath with less effort and able to push an average of 22 km/h except for the U-turns. I had to learn how to stand on the pedals to relieve the perineal pressure (sore buttocks!) and give my calf muscles a stretch. Cycling has become more interesting day by day.

Some more photos of my calf stretches and my bike.


SiouxGeonz said...

I've found the right lane position (out just a tad so I'm seen earlier and people realize they have to move over a bit) has this mysterious way of making drivers friendlier!

Dr Aston Ngai Seng Huey said...

Shall have to take more of the road and make my presence seen! Thanks for the tip!

Alan said...

Hey Doc,
Where do you usually ride ?? I mean on normal days .. :)

Dr Aston Ngai Seng Huey said...

SS2/72. May go to Bkt Kiara this week if it's not too difficult. I heard there will be a good ride at Putrajaya this Friday.

Alan said...

Yeap, this Friday night there'll be a critical mass in Putrajaya. The last ride managed to gather about 100 riders. The ride should be around 23-25km in total. A good event to meet other bikers.

They're nice people.

The tarmac road in Kiara is a good place to train for strength and endurance. I still can't ride all the way up.


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